I never complain about the heat...ever. The further away winter is, the happier I am. Heat gives me an adrenaline rush; like the feeling I get when I'm almost at end of my runs... hot, tired, out of breath, HR is in the 170s, soaked in sweat, throat is dry...I'm in auto pilot, I keep running...that's what heat feels like to me. If I step outside and its a brisk 50 degrees, I'd think twice about running. But 85 degrees plus induces a weird adrenaline rush and I'm ready to go. The sooner I can break a sweat, the better.
My theory is this...hear me out...I'm a sucker for thermal physics mmmkay. One general truth about the world is that heat flows spontaneously from the hotter object to the colder object, never the opposite, and the goal in this is to obtain thermal equilibrium. Heat is energy. So when I walk outside and it's a 100+ degrees, I, being the colder object, am being bombarded by all the rapidly moving "energetic" molecules. Attacked by energy...essentially...that's what I picture at least. So that explains why I thrive in heat.
However, the 5K I signed up for back in May has been postponed due to excessive heat. I hate to admit it, but I'm kinda happy about that. I love the heat, but I think I've met my match...122 degree heat index is where I draw the line for running any amount of distance outside, with thousands of people on top of it.
Not only am I bummed about my first race being cancelled, but it would've been a pretty gnarly way to kick off my training for the Twin Cities 10 mile that I was coerced into signing up for in October. Yep. Thanks Shannon. Actually, I'm getting more excited about this race the more I think about it. I don't like to run, but it keeps you skinny, and the only way I see myself sticking with it is if I have something to train for. A 10 mile race here and there won't kill me anyways...unless it's a brisk 50 degrees of course.
I won't however blame the heat on my poor CrossFit attendance this week. I think everyone (who deserves it) needs a break every once in awhile. I needed a break this week...a mental one. I needed the sleep, I needed the rest. Flo's in town. My back hurts. And I've been helping Jeff paint his house. Yes CrossFit, I need a break from you. I need a break from you because I can't handle being totally in awe of how much I can kick your ass everyday. I can't handle the ridiculous ego trip I get from looking at my whiteboard stats. I can't handle leaving the gym at 8am and knowing the hardest part of my day is already over.
Thanks CrossFit...I hate you.
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